
We “Do It Differently”

Posted on May 16, 2018

During a recent conversation with a candidate, I was asking questions pertaining to his achievements and effect on his company’s EBITDA performance. We discussed his KPI’s, margin and pricing strategies, and the effects of the current market consolidation as it pertained to his business and his competitors.  Mid-conversation, he stopped me, stating, “this conversation is refreshing – I’m not used to recruiters truly understanding the business and the financial metrics of what I do in order to identify what opportunities are true matches for me.”

His response surprised me. At SnapDragon Associates, we are constantly discussing the industry, financial performances of our clients, M&A activity, and organizational trends. We don’t view recruiting as simply job descriptions and resumes. Many of us have been a part of and led teams within the industry. We view ourselves as extensions of our clients’ organizations – the team that can be relied on to understand the culture and DNA, ask the tough questions to truly understand the need of the hiring manager, and then utilize our contacts and resources to identify the top talent for the role.

The conversation may have been refreshing to the candidate I was speaking to, but for me, it is refreshing to know that our organization does it differently; truly understanding and working on behalf of our clients.