Top 10 Interview Tips from SnapDragon Recruiters
Posted on December 01, 2015

Our team has compiled a list of our Top 10 Interview Tips! Take note, and one of these tips could land you your next position!
- Do your research! Visit the website of the company you are interviewing for before your interview.
- Be prepared. Nothing sells a candidate better than doing the things that demonstrate an interest in the position and the company.
- Dress to Impress! A coat and tie are the way to go. Being over-dressed implies you are a true professional who has taken the time to be prepared for positive results. Being under-dressed will get you noticed too, but not the results you were hoping for.
- Show up with a printed list of 5-10 insightful questions about the company’s history, leadership team, future growth plans, the main objective of the position you are looking to fill, and job performance expectations. Bring a few copies of this list in the case your interviewer would like to keep this list for follow up and response.
- Above all, be enthusiastic!
- Knowing yourself is key. Be prepared with insightful answers to “tell me about yourself,” and “what are your strengths/weaknesses?” Even better, have an answer to the “why” that will follow. Be prepared to explain how past experience will play into the needs of the role for which you are applying.
- Maintain eye contact when speaking with your interviewer.
- Remain positive and confident. For example, if asked the question, “Why are you looking to leave your current Employer?” refrain from bad mouthing your current Employer and try to remain honest and advise of your true intentions as to why you are pursuing the role you are interviewing for. Perhaps your potential for growth is capped at your current Employer; maybe you are not receiving enough training or support, etc.
- Bring a pad of paper and write down all the interviewers’ names if they don’t give you a card. There is nothing worse than not recalling someone’s name during the meeting and at the end of an interview. Ask for a business card or contact information for everyone you met. That gives you contact points to send thank you notes.
- If you are interested in the job, ask for it. “I really enjoyed our meeting and am very interested in continuing on with the interview process,” and ask: “is there anything you have learned about me today that would preclude you from feeling I am a fit for what you are looking for?”