
Are You Being Competitive With Your Hiring?

Posted on October 29, 2021

It is almost impossible today to get good people into open positions.  This struggle is not unique to our industry.  Have you tried to go into a coffee shop or a fast-food restaurant lately?  All over the country and across every industry we are hurting for workers!

One way to mitigate this issue is to be competitive with your hiring process.  Being competitive isn’t just about compensation, it’s also about moving fast, seeing all the candidate has to offer, and your company culture.  As recruiters, every day we see just how hard it is to close a deal and get a candidate to the finish line.  Every stage of the hiring process requires finesse and diligent communication.

Believe me, I get it . . . no one has time right now to put their full effort into what it takes to find and hire quality candidates.

I pose an important question.  Would you have more time if you had the right employees in your open positions?  If so, then you need to make time to be more competitive with your hiring process.  Think about the value the right employees would bring to your organization.  How many hats are you wearing due to a lack of staff – or a lack of competent staff?  Think about the costs your business is incurring due to a lack of qualified employees.

Here are some tips on how to be more competitive with your hiring process so you can find, hire and retain quality employees:

  • Be competitive with your wages. Are you offering the industry average?  Do some research – ask your industry friends.
  • Be willing to think “outside the box.” Consider the skill set of the candidates, not just the experience.  Do they have what it takes to become your next great employee?
  • Identify your requirements . . . the “must-haves” and the “nice-to-haves.” This will help in identifying quality candidates.
  • Consider your company culture. Is it what it should be?  Wages get employees in the door, but culture is what keeps them around.
  • Move FAST! Candidates are snatched off the market quickly.  You need to make sure you move fast enough if you are seriously interested in a candidate.
  • Consider retaining SnapDragon Associates – the premier recruiting firm for the Lumber and Building Materials industry. With a team of dedicated recruiters and the support of our research and marketing team, we source, screen, and vet candidates before you even see their resumes.


Snapdragon takes on the heavy burden of fishing through applicants to find and present only qualified candidates for your review.  Invest in your process, invest in your business’s future, and be competitive with your hiring. It’s the only way to ensure success!